There are four different savannas at AKL—Sunset, Arusha, Uzima, and Pembe. (Arusha and Uzima serve only Jambo House; Pembe serves only Kidani Village; Sunset serves both resorts.) Though you’ll find lots of differing opinions as to which floor you should request for the best view of the animals, we like the third floor–it gives you a high enough view that you can see the whole savanna, but you’re not so high that you don’t feel close to the animals.
We also like the Arusha savanna because it gives us a backdrop view of the beautiful Jambo House lobby’s picture window. The Arusha savanna is also the hotel’s “main” savanna, located right off the lobby; because of this, you can be assured that there will always be a wide variety of animals on this savanna. It can, however, be the savanna that offers the least privacy—at any given time hotel visitors will be oohing and aahing over animals at the public viewing areas, most of which look out onto the Arusha savanna.
Sunset Savanna is to the left of the Lodge, and is a shared savanna with Kidani Village, AKL’s separate Disney Vacation Club building. Sunset is where you get the best sunset views (natch), and also remains the only savanna on which you can find ostriches.
Uzima Savanna is on the far right side of the hotel–the same side as the Uzima Springs Pool and all of AKL’s restaurants. We like rooms on the Uzima Savanna because you’re usually just a hop, skip, and jump from the pool (and the flamingos!).
Pembe Savanna is exclusive to Kidani Village, and can be viewed from North Wing rooms and Maji Pool Bar. This is the only savanna currently home to the okapi!
Check out our other room view information on our rooms pages.